
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Fall Classes & Events- November

November is pretty far out but I thought I would just give you some names and dates so you can be watching for future posts. I have a feeling there might be a couple more classes but you now have a majority of our wonderful fall line up.

sample closer to class date
Stitched Holiday Tags
Tues., Nov. 6
Jenn, $45
sample closer to class date
Holiday Wall Doll
Sat., Nov. 10th
Jenn, $75
Sic 'em Bears
Sun., Nov. 11th
Angie, $45
perfect study break!   
 sample closer to class date
Clay Snowman
Thurs., Nov. 15th
Jenn, $45
Stephanie Rubiano Weekend
Sat., Nov. 17th & Sun., Nov. 18th
details soon but save the date!
You can view samples of Stephanie's work on her instagram, stephanierubianoart 

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