
Monday, January 13, 2014

Be the First in OK

Not often do we get to be the very first at something but you can tomorrow. You can get a head start and be the first to create with Catherine Moore's new stamp line, Cirque. Catherine has outdone herself again with this beautiful line of stamps and no one can embellish Catherine's creations better than our Jackie. There are still a couple of class seats left in tomorrow's class so pick up the phone and get to be one of the first!  Class will begin tomorrow at 5:30 and cost is just $25 for 3 of the newest and cutest Valentine tags.

Those of you taking the class Tuesday will also get a special treat. First pick of Catherine's new line. To get in on this first, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389 to reserve your class seat.
Thank you to everyone who has let a comment or suggestion for the new year. Your suggestions have been very helpful and I appreciate the thought and time you put into them. They have also been very complimentary and I thank you and appreciate your support. I know there are things we can tweak to make Paper Crown even better so please keep the suggestions coming. I'll take comments through this Wednesday and will award one lucky commenter a prize.


  1. Jackie,
    The new stamps look amazing and your class, too.. guess I will have to move to Oklahoma.. it looks like all the best stuff is happening at the Paper Crown..!

  2. We do have some awfully talented ladies here. We would love to show you some OK hospitality and you are always welcome to come share your talents with the ladies at Paper Crown! Cindy
