
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Now is Your Chance

OK everyone, now is your chance. A new year, fresh start, 12 months of hope. I have some goals and ideas for 2014 but am wondering what you- Paper Crown friends, fellow artists, customers and blog followers - would like to see happen this year. I am wanting to hear what lines or companies you love, classes or techniques you would like to take,  teachers you want to inspire you, events to celebrate our creativity and anything else you want to comment on- well, within reason please.

I hope to meet with Paper Crown's gems next week to come up with a rough plan for the year. We will be discussing classes, products, Glitter Market, web store- which I know needs a lot of work, PR, events and a possible retreat. We would love to hear your ideas and be able to incorporate those into our discussion.
If you have time in the next few days we would love to hear from you. You can either leave a comment on the blog or email me at As a thank you, I will enter everyone who leaves a comment in a drawing and a winner will be selected Wednesday, Jan. 15th. That lucky person who helps to make our store better will get a Paper Crown gift certificate, just in time for all the new lines being showcased this weekend! More on that later.

Thank you again for your help. It is ya'll who put the sparkle in Paper Crown! Have a great weekend!

P.S. I'll save several of you some time- as much as I would love to have Tim Holtz come visit the store, I'm afraid he is way out of our league. Maybe someday when he has made millions and teaches just for the fun of it. You can always hope!


  1. Teresa Collins is one of my favorites; and Stephanie Ackerman; But in all honesty, we have one of the best teachers anywhere--right here--Jackie really can't be beat!!

  2. Debbie you are the sweetest............thank you so much and I am flattered more than you will ever know! It is people like you that make my job at the Paper Crown so much fun!

  3. A sort of designer showcase featuring classes with all the Paper Crown teachers in one weekend would be a neat retreat. Alternately, a weekend for people to bring in and work on their own projects at the store (similar to a crop)....or a combo of the two.

  4. Dear Cindy,
    I agree, you already have the best teacher! And by far the very best store around!!!!!!! It's my favorite store, that's why I drive 2 1/2 hours and I would like to come more often than I do! I love the variety, the items that you carry, the quality of your merchandise, and that you go that extra mile to cater to your clients needs and wants! Your store is very much "Eye Candy" for us old timers!!
    The ONLY thing that I think you could do to improve would be to enlarge your store!!!!! LoL!!!!! I know you think I'm crazy ;)
    I guess I just can't think of any improvements!
    There is one Lady that I took classes from in Texas named Joni. She is Fabulous!!!!! She has a blog, "Artful Joni." She is soooooooo talented and she is very mixed media, and she teaches variety. She would be a great addition to your wonderful Artist you have on board! But I know she is very busy.
    I just wished that I lived CLOSER, then I would suggest "Friday Crop Nite" all nite and I def would be there!!!!
    XOXO Beth
    P.S. I most definitely would love to be involve in a retreat!!!!!!!

  5. Retreat??!! Now, that sounds like fun! Just read Beth's comment and I concur with her, you are well worth the drive for shopping and boy of boy, love the classes and teachers you offer <3 How wonderful that you are asking for ideas and comments. I know you will continue to be the best you can be. ((Hugs))

  6. I *love* Paper Crown, and everybody over in OKC that makes it such a pleasure to come shop, take classes, and just hang out with my friends. I do hope you will continue with Glitter Market a couple times a year. It's so much work for you but it is so fun!
    I wish I could take every single class (I've said that many times before!) but it's just not possible. A suggestion would be to keep advertising the classes over and over. What I mean is announce them on the blog and FB, then again at 3 weeks out, 2 weeks out, 1 week out, etc. Sometimes I miss a class because it gets announced, I mean to sign up and then I just kind of get busy - then I have to search back through the blog to find it - and sometimes, I'm just too late!
    A retreat would be awesome.
    I love when you have the contests - maybe have a monthly challenge?
    Our teachers are the absolute BEST, but if they need a break or want to take part in some classes too, I'd like to do a soldering class (the one I signed up for was cancelled), a doodling class (with Pam Keravori), an encaustic class, mixed media jewelry class maybe using resin (could Charlotte Perez teach?) , a santos doll class, a technique class on how to use all the new Viva paints, more canvas classes. Hmmm. I'll keep thinking about it and let you know if I come up with anything else. :)

  7. I love the store and the teachers and like Lisa, wish I could take every single class! I think some funky jewelry classes would be lots of fun. Maybe soldering, resin or even some cool shrink art? Thank you Cindy for making the store a place where grown up girls love to come and play like little girls :-)
    Cindy B.

  8. You have a fantastic, adorable store that I love to visit when I can (every few months or so). You already carry many of my favorite manufacturers - Doodlebug, Bella Blvd, Echo Park/Carta Bella, MME - and more often than not when I'm in the store, I find something NEW that 'speaks' to me and I find a new favorite! :) I don't take many classes, but one of my own goals for the year is to learn new techniques. I've just gotten interested in Distress Inks and especially water coloring using Distress Markers and a water brush. If I was to order anything new for your store, I would love to see you have stamps from Technique Tuesday, Paper Smooches and The Stamps of Life. Those are companies that I order from regularly. Happy 2014 - I'm sure I will be in soon! :)

  9. As you know I love the store and the product turn over is awesome! Love seeing all the new stuff!! A retreat would always be fun! I would love to see some scrapbook layout classes and maybe a crop every so often :)

    See you soon - Amy :o)
