
Friday, November 13, 2015

Glitter Market Sneak Peek- Terri Brush

I thought I would start off the 2015 Glitter Market Sneak Peek with a HUGE bang! We are so very, very pleased to have the talented Terri Brush as a vendor this year. I have been lucky enough to take a couple of classes with Terri so I am familiar with her jewelry and have several very special pieces.
Her work is gorgeous. If you love the photos you will flip when you see it in person!

Aren't these perfect for the holidays!
Terri lives in Washington where she teaches at her beautiful studio, offers on demand classes through Terri Brush Academy, hosts her wildly successful Art Camps twice a year and is co creator of the La Dolce Vita Art Retreat in the beautiful hills of Tuscany, Italy.
I addition to vending at Glitter Market next Saturday, Nov. 21st, Terri will be teaching a series of classes surrounding Glitter Market. I believe the only openings available are for Terri's Bezel Necklace Workshop on Thurs., Nov. 19th from 9:30-4:30. Register for workshop at
Terri's Bezel Necklace Workshop
Thurs., Nov. 19th

Ladies you are in for such a wonderful treat but I would be here before 10!
Paper Crown Glitter Market
Sat., Nov. 21st

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