
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hannah's House

Meet the most amazing Hannah Butler ( just typing this girl's name makes me smile!) Hannah and Katie met their freshman year at Baylor and then lived together for the next three years with Molly, Kitty & Rachel. All the girls are from Houston and Kitty and Hannah have been friends since preschool. I think Hannah wrote as a early elementary school cutie that when she got to college, she wanted to live with Kitty.

Hannah is described as the goofiest, quirkiest, most loving person..... I can't think of a more fitting description. One of my favorite memories of Hannah is pulling up to their house about noon on Saturday and out she walks in her red, fuzzy, footed, sock monkey pjs and jumps on her scooter to cruise campus. Over the years I had many silly, serious, hilarious, wise and a couple heartbreaking conversations and texts with this sweet girl. My last time with Hannah was over pancakes with the
 " girls (and Austin)".  I left her with a big hug, I'm proud of you and a plan to have a lasagna making day after the holidays.  A year ago today Hannah passed away.

Katie, her precious roomies, Kappa sisters, family and friends have done many projects this past year to honor Hannah and keep her sweet spirit  alive- a cabin or two of kiddos were able to attend Camp Ozark; through Living Waters, water wells have been drilled in Nicaragua and Guatemala; and
family and friends are currently working on the biggest project to remember Hannah and one that will have the most lasting impact, Hannah's House.

Through Family Legacy, Hannah's House will be a home in Zambia that will provide Hope, shelter, refuge and family- Hannah's favorite topic and her great love, for 8 orphaned children, . Katie hopes to go to Zambia this summer to help teach for a week and then be there for the opening of Hannah's House. She can share some funny Hannah stories and some sock monkeys with the 8 girls that will become part of Hannah's legacy.

Rachel, Katie, Hannah, Kitty & Molly

I have decided to donate 20% of the Paper Crown's earning on Saturday, Nov. 21st , Glitter Market day, to Hannah's House. Additionally, in January Hannah would have turned 24 so we will be donating 24%  of the month's earnings to Hannah's House. In January the store will be full of hearts and I can't think of a better tribute- the hearts you buy will go to fill a heart of a orphan girl in Zambia while reminding so very, very many of Hannah's sweet, quirky, loving heart.

So after you hit the fabulous Glitter Market next Saturday, Nov. 21st, come shop Paper Crown and then go crazy in January!

Hannah's House verse is Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."


  1. What a great way to remember this sweet girl! Her love for giving will keep on giving through Hannah's House! What a wonderful tribute Cindy! Thanks for sharing her story!

  2. What a wonderful way to keep her memory alive, and for the betterment of others. I'm sure I can do my part! ;)
