Drats! I had planned on posting today about the new Echo Park lines that were scheduled to be delivered but I guess UPS and old man winter had different plans. As I walked around the store today nothing was shouting "pick me." It's a bad sign if after a week I have writer's block. Then it hit me- Thursday is the one day a week that I have a very different routine. Although at some point in the day I end up at the store, gotta chat with Franc, the rest of the day is what helps me to stay grounded and keeps things in perspective. I really need that because I have a tendency to get way, way off course.
The first thing I do on Thursdays is go to my woman's bible study at All Soul's. I'm not really sure how I ended up there, that isn't where I go to church and a far far cry from my Baptist upbringing but after the " troubles" that is where I landed. For the longest time I didn't say a word but just had this feeling that was where I needed to be. At times I really had a yearning- strange word hard to define but that's really how I would describe it. I have done a whole library of Beth Moore bible studies (at times, one at All Soul's and another on my own. I'm truly not being pious I just
needed it during those times- kinda like I need a pot of coffee in the am). I can tell you that during each study, there has been a moment when I swear she was talking directly to me and me alone. If you haven't taken a Beth Moore study you are missing out- she is very real and very very funny. It's kinda like Sunday School and you and your best girlfriend are at the same church. Beth also played a part in meeting Prince Charming but more on that later.
After a little "big girl time" I then head to my favorite school for a little " little girl time." Years ago when my oldest was in kindergarten, I mentored a little girl in her class- or should I say she mentored me and our whole family. I realized this summer that I really missed that so I asked our principal to find me a mentor- I now realize I get so much more out of these sessions than they do, it's purely selfish on my part.
As I'm sitting in the principal's office she calls for my mentoree but it wasn't one but 5 of the tiniest, cutest "little bits" you have ever seen. They entered the office from tallest to shortest, just like the von Trapp's and just like Maria, I was hooked. We have the best time just reading, doing homework and talking. They have the funniest little stories and get so much enjoyment from the smallest things- who would have thought a pink paper clip could make a girl do a cartwheel. They have taught me a lot but some things they keep to themselves- "Ms. Cindy you don't wanna know what chitlins are you,wouldn't like it but I sure do"
my favorite girls |
If you love kids and have never mentored a student I highly recommend it. I guarantee you will walk away each time with a new perspective and a heart that has been blessed.
So that's how I spend my Thursdays- it may be my most important day of the week! And thank you girly girls for skipping, hopping jumping, dancing, singing, giggling, hugging and rapping into my life- I'm the lucky